November 20, 2007

A 5ft Google Maps Pin!

Google wanted to increase awareness and promote the use of Google Maps on mobile phones at the Pleasance Festival in Edinburgh via a Bluetooth broadcasted WAP link – so the basis of the stand we designed was formed around a great big 5ft size, freestanding Google Maps pin!

Needless to say it garnered a few looks and quite a few downloads

November 19, 2007

Doodle For Google: My Future

For this year's Doodle 4 Google competition, Britain's schoolchildren were asked to design a Google Doodle around the theme of 'My Future'. Over 65,000 children entered the competition and from this 48 finalists were chosen to come to London and attend an award ceremony in the Google offices. The day started with a visit to the Tate Modern and then they were whisked to the Google offices to be met by entertainers and attend a workshop with the Doodle Master, Dennis Hwang. Next, it was time for the award ceremony! The finalists were kept in suspense until the winner was finally revealed…14-year old Claire Rammelkamp, whose doodle was placed on the Google UK homepage for a day to be seen by around 20 million people.

As part of this Brand Fuel organised mail outs and communications to all the regional winners and finalists. This was then followed up by the management, production, logistics and filming of the final event. We interviewed each winner to see what they thought about the theme of ‘My Future’ – hear what they had to say by clicking here to view an interactive map.