August 29, 2008

Festinho Festival Kentwell Hall, Nr Sudbury UK

Festinho - a delightful weekend in the country.

The Festinho festival is a new little aside that I've brought to the eyes of Brand Fuel. As if our workload here wasn't enough already I thought I'd make things even more difficult and this one is a bit of a raucous beast! Festinho is a 100% charity festival with all the proceeds going to help street children in Brazil. Its roots are tied to the ABC Trust charity which I worked for many moons before Brand Fuel and still try to help out when I can.

Brand Fuel's main role in the event was to put up with me in the weeks coming up to the event, as it happens to sit at a very stressful time for all concerned in the office, with lots of enormous events on all at the same time.

Myself and Matt Devall went onsite to Kentwell Hall and had an absolute ball of a time! Matt ran the main stage management whilst I ran the productions for the whole site. Who would have thought making money for charity would be so much fun!
