February 5, 2009

World Economic Forum 2009

So it was beset upon the young Brand Fuel to collaborate with the elders of the advertising world to create what can only be described as the best YouTube Davos stand to date! Well we only started last year… but this one was better than the last one so that’s a great result! The purpose of the booth was to allow world leaders and CEOs to interact with the YouTube community. This year we added a new i-Wall showing off the talents of Google Earth with all the cool stuff that goes with it. On the stand we had, among others, Jet Li the world famous actor, Cherie Booth (AKA Cherie Blair), David Cameron, Kofi Annan, Amitabh Bachchan the incredible Bollywood king to name but a few!

It was a great gig and it went off well. The client was happy, we were happy and the YouTube community was happy to boot!
