October 22, 2009

Atmosphere Cloud Summit

This Cloud Computing conference was a first for both Google and Brand Fuel. We provided complete event production for the event where approximately 300 delegates descended on the Bloomsbury Street Hotel for a day of talks from Google employees and people within the industry.

For those who needed a bit more explanation on the subject or who were already in the know and wanted to ask more in depth questions, they had the chance to have a chat with experts on the subject in the cloud clinics.

After a hard day talking cloud; delegates were treated to a gala dinner held at the TUC centre. The highlight of the meal included a meringue containing nitrogen that when you bit in to it produced a cloud like substance that floated in the air.

As for entertainment; as well as a Chinese pole acrobat, Nathan flutebox lee hit the stage; this time bringing his beat boxing and flute playing skills together with a sitar player.

October 9, 2009

AdWords - SME Google Event, Sheffield

So take one large multinational company, add a pinch of local business, a turn of Mr Plumber's spanner and voila, a string of successful small business relationships with Google! We're at it again, organising a mini road show for AdWords and taking it around the country. First off was Nottingham, then Sheffield, then we're off to Edinburgh and finishing up with Hillingdon! The events vary from 100-150 people and have been a bit of a hit, with the first two being well over- subscribed. We’ll see what the numbers are going to be for the next two. From big to small, Brand Fuel does it all.

Off to Ireland now..... 3500 people.... Gulp!.... Help! ;-)

Cheers Ru