January 29, 2010

Google Davos Afterhours Party

The sparkling lovelies of Brand Fuel have again been thrust into the wonderful event that is the World Economic Forum and have produced what I can categorically say is the best Google Davos party yet!

There were giant fish, huge ocean projections, scantily clad handsome men, phenomenal music and a kick ass bar! What more could you want?

If you were one of the lucky ones to be invited to the Google Ocean Lounge you would have seen these marvellous sights first hand but for those reading this blog, here are a couple of photos to show off the affaire. Roll on next year!

January 28, 2010

Travelodge Big Event 7

This year’s annual Travelodge bash was extra special as it was their 25th Anniversary. Over 500 Travelodge employees gathered at the Brewery in London where we produced the conferences which happened throughout the day and then the Gala dinner in the evening including an awards ceremony.

The highlight of the night; as always was the one thousand cans of silly string that were unleashed during the awards ceremony; with most of it ending up on to the winners so that they resembled a silly string monster by the time they got to the stage.