March 28, 2011

Networking Event - Espirito Santo Bank

700 guests arrived at one of London's most prestigious venues to help celebrate Espirito Santo's new offices in London.

The event had three key note speakers and was decorated in the bank's branded colours and messaging.

Brand Fuel accented the networking and press event with Four Corners of the World themed canapes, champagne and Portuguese wine which helped make it a memorable night for everyone involved.

March 11, 2011

The Big Bang Fair - Google Switzerland

This year's Big Bang Fair was held at London's Excel where young scientists and engineers from around the UK arrived to become inspired by and interact with various technologies.

We built and managed the 5m x 5m Google stand which included 3 demo areas designed to showcase different Google apps and introduce and educate the bright young things about applications such as Google Goggles, Google Earth and Google Body Browser.