June 17, 2011

Brand Fuel Wins Innovation Award at the Conference Awards 2011

We are proud to announce that we have just won the Innovation Award at the Conference Awards 2011 for One Young World.

Brand Fuel were shortlisted for “Best New Conference Launch” category and for the “Innovation Award”, both for One Young World - the premier global forum for young people of leadership calibre.

One Young World was founded in 2009 by David Jones of Havas and Kate Robertson of Euro RSCG its purpose is to connect and bring together the brightest young people from all over the world ensuring that their concerns, opinions and solutions are heard and taken into account by those in power, in government, business or any other sector. It has been described as the “Junior Davos.” This inaugural summit event in London January 2010 brought together for the first time 800 young leaders from 119 countries and from the outset it established itself as a high profile global initiative.

June 10, 2011

Zeitgeist 2011

Now in its 6th consecutive year, the Google Zeitgeist conference was held at the Grove Hotel, Hertfordshire. A diverse group of global thought leaders attended the event, discussing the future of technology, culture, politics and the economy.

The team delivered a spectacular gala dinner and evening entertainment featuring the international dance group LXD and the YouTube Symphony Orchestra for the delegates.

It was an extremely inspirational and educational two days with 41 speakers, including Professor Hawking and George Osborne, broadening out perceptions with regards to the global future.