September 25, 2010

Event Awards 2010

Brand Fuel is proud to say that we won the Best Conference Award at this year's Event Awards. The project was the One Young World Summit which aimed to bring together more than 800 delegates of leadership calibre under the age of 25 from 119 countries. Founded by David Jones and Kate Robertson of Euro RSCG, the aim was to provide young people with a platform to discuss the issues facing their generation.

Brand Fuel was responsible for establishing this inaugural event as a high-profile global brand from the outset. This meant the agency was involved in everything from event strategy to gaining support and investment from organisations and individuals, including Bob Geldof and Desmond Tutu.

The event managed to attract 700 fully paid delegates from countries such as Burma, Senegal, Palestine, Korea and Sierra Leone. It was the fourth most-trended topic on Twitter in the UK and the second in Europe.


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