January 12, 2008

FranceYesYouCan.co.uk goes live

Our brand new website offers a fresh approach to all you can do in France. We’ve collected information from all parts of the country to provide a variety of activities ranging from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

You can search by activity in any one of the 21 regions in any month of the year. You can also find your perfect place to sleep whether you wish to camp or stay in a 5 star hotel.

Working with ABTOF has been a pleasure from day one, amazing people, with an amazing array of holiday services. This accompanied by our design and branding work all make this site truly unique.

France really can offer you more than you can imagine and franceyesyoucan.co.uk offers you all the information you need to plan your next trip.

The experience of creating the site was a real eye-opener for us all. We never realised the sheer number of activities that France has to offer. So we’ll all be off to do a bit of surfing in Aquitaine a bit later in the year…watch this space for the coverage of that little adventure.


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