June 21, 2008

Las Vegas - InfoComm08 - 18-20 June

Hi All,

Rupert here, King of Sketch up (so I have been told).

So I'm a new whippersnapper at this game, but the big man told me to go to Las Vegas... Oh well if I have to! So I went to Nevada to check out a show called InfoComm08.

What I was tasked with was looking at a stand that our hopefully future client had already got, to see what it was like and then to work on ideas and designs for making it better for the sister show in Europe ISE 09. Now, it's a long way to go just for that and so I was also out there doing business progression for Brand Fuel. This bit I love! I'm an incessant talker, you just can't shut me up and meeting new potential clients is good fun.

Anyhow I'm quite happy with the job I managed to do over at InfoComm.
I think I did a good job at getting the Brand Fuel name out there. The hopefully future client seemed happy that I came and I think we gained a real insight into their company and future products. The other companies that I spoke to hadn't looked at working the way that we do, which was refreshing, and good to know that we're a little bit ahead of the game!

All in all, a good trip out to Las Vegas in terms of client relationship building and new client finding.

Ahhh, now DB did I tell you about that show in Japan I REALLY need to go to! ;)




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