January 29, 2008

Digital Hverdag Bergen

The second running of this event in beautiful Bergen, except it’s the middle of winter! So our lorry leaves in plenty of time but encounters - surprise, surprise – winter conditions. Heavy snow closes the mountain pass, but not before our vehicle has started the ascent and even with snow chains the driver loses control of the trailer, which skids across the road and is only stopped by a tiny 1m high stone wall. Only on alighting from the cab does the driver realise that the small wall has saved the truck, the load and himself from a nasty fall of about a 1000m!!

So, eventually the truck arrives about a day late. Everybody is geared up to regain the lost time. Load in to the venue starts at 6am and after two hard days the booth is ready bang on schedule. Well you would expect nothing less would you?

The clients were absolutely amazed by the finished booth and quickly got down to business. At the weekend, with general consumers in attendance, they ran a Doodle for Google competition which saw the booth inundated with kids and the results of their efforts pinned up on all the walls.

Roll on next year, snow and all!!


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