September 23, 2008

Geotate Stand at Photokina

September has been a bit of a whirlwind for me; gig to gig, airport to airport, country to country. All in all it's been a little hectic! And I've been lucky enough to finish off September with a great gig!

Geotate are a relatively new client for Brand Fuel and this is the first time we have built them a stand at an exhibition. And what a stand to build for them; with completely custom display, computer pod, floor and graphics we tried to ensure that Geotate can stand out from the rest of the crowd at a busy show!

As I write this the stand downstairs is packed full of people interested to get a look at Geotate!



September 17, 2008

Online Marketing - Dusseldorf

This is the principal event of the year for the German Marketing Team – a show focused almost as much on pre-arranged one-to-one meetings as on attracting bystanders as they wander around the show. A team of 100 Googlers held almost 350 meetings over the two days of the show using the facilities provided by Brand Fuel i.e. a private meeting room for 8 people, 3 rooms for 4 persons plus a further 6 meeting tables on the booth and a casual area. All served coffees, soft drinks and snacks according to the time of day from the bar/kitchen area staffed by 4 hostesses. The booth was split into two parts covering 200 squares metres plus an aisle carpeted to form a bridge between the two areas. All visitors to the stand were encouraged to enter a daily draw, with the winners receiving a brand new MacBook Air!

On the evening of the first show day, attendees helped Google to celebrate their 10th Birthday with a mini party on the booth. All in all a very successful if somewhat hectic trade show.

September 16, 2008

Global Developer Day, Wembley Stadium

On the 16th of September much is happening in the world of UK developers. Google hosted the Annual Global Developer Day and with the help of Brand Fuel put on a great day for all to have! Having worked with Google on the previous Developer day at the Brewery in London we understood the concept and what was to be achieved at this great event. However this one had a big stadium sized twist! Being held at Wembley Stadium posed quite a feat for the Brand Fuel crew, not that we were afraid of anywhere but this is a BIG venue, and my legs and feet definitely told me this on the days following the event!

So what happened I hear you cry? To cut a long story short, Google invited programmers and coders from all over the UK to the event and they all sat down to learn about Google's new products and hopefully write some code for their own projects involving some of Googles great toolset. Brand Fuel facilitated this by building them sets to talk on and handled logistics throughout the day.
The event was a triumph and has paved the way to an even better GDD next year.


September 5, 2008

Google Sales Conference 2008

Brand Fuel were in Rhodes in the first week of September with Google for their annual sales conference. Matthew d’Ancona of the Spectator found himself part of a bid to break the world record for Zorba dancing — and to relive one of the greatest scenes in cinema. Read his article for yourself: