September 16, 2008

Global Developer Day, Wembley Stadium

On the 16th of September much is happening in the world of UK developers. Google hosted the Annual Global Developer Day and with the help of Brand Fuel put on a great day for all to have! Having worked with Google on the previous Developer day at the Brewery in London we understood the concept and what was to be achieved at this great event. However this one had a big stadium sized twist! Being held at Wembley Stadium posed quite a feat for the Brand Fuel crew, not that we were afraid of anywhere but this is a BIG venue, and my legs and feet definitely told me this on the days following the event!

So what happened I hear you cry? To cut a long story short, Google invited programmers and coders from all over the UK to the event and they all sat down to learn about Google's new products and hopefully write some code for their own projects involving some of Googles great toolset. Brand Fuel facilitated this by building them sets to talk on and handled logistics throughout the day.
The event was a triumph and has paved the way to an even better GDD next year.



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