May 21, 2010

BGC Rates Party

After a busy week it was straight into the BGC Brokers Rates party held at Debut London, under the atmospheric arches of
London Bridge.

This was a corporate party with a twist. Out of the bare space we created 6 different themed rooms with the emphasis on gaming to appeal to the competitive nature of the guests:

The bowling, tennis and boxing rooms where guests played without getting too physical on the Wii Sport.

The café
del mar room where party goers could enjoy a back massage on their very own beach; complete with sand.

The combat room where they could try their luck at Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on the PS3. If they needed any assistance, hostesses and Marines were near by.

And last but not least a good old English pub including real beer on tap!


Blogger Vani said...

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6:57 AM  
Blogger Vani said...

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6:58 AM  
Blogger stevenjared0853 said...

Oh my goodness! This party looks adorable. I am sure everyone had brilliant time out there. Keep posting such details. Anyways, at some rooftop Los Angeles event venues we are also going to host a fun disco themed party for a friend’s birthday. Super excited!

8:26 AM  

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