January 29, 2008

Digital Hverdag Bergen

The second running of this event in beautiful Bergen, except it’s the middle of winter! So our lorry leaves in plenty of time but encounters - surprise, surprise – winter conditions. Heavy snow closes the mountain pass, but not before our vehicle has started the ascent and even with snow chains the driver loses control of the trailer, which skids across the road and is only stopped by a tiny 1m high stone wall. Only on alighting from the cab does the driver realise that the small wall has saved the truck, the load and himself from a nasty fall of about a 1000m!!

So, eventually the truck arrives about a day late. Everybody is geared up to regain the lost time. Load in to the venue starts at 6am and after two hard days the booth is ready bang on schedule. Well you would expect nothing less would you?

The clients were absolutely amazed by the finished booth and quickly got down to business. At the weekend, with general consumers in attendance, they ran a Doodle for Google competition which saw the booth inundated with kids and the results of their efforts pinned up on all the walls.

Roll on next year, snow and all!!

January 20, 2008

YouTube in Germany

Google and YouTube wanted to increase the presence of YouTube at the Digital, Life, Design Conference in Munich. BrandFuel put together the idea of having a ‘YouTube reporter’, so there was a press wall, reporter, camera and upload crew simultaneously filming, editing and uploading in a ten minute turnaround.

Amongst those interviewed were Paulo Coelho, Martha Stewart, David Silvermanhref.

January 18, 2008

The France Show

It wasn’t all Champagne and dancing girls at the France Show there was some cheese as well. But we were there because it’s the largest French lifestyle and tourism exhibition in the UK and what better place for our client, ABTOF (The Association of British Tour Operators to France), to show off the new website we designed for them.

To give them some real presence at the show we created a ‘France Gallery’ where visitors could peruse some fantastic photography of France and get some ideas for their next French holiday. We also invited visitors to submit their own images of France to the website for the chance to win some French travel prizes from a week in a Chateaux to free ferry crossings. Check it out in the ‘My France’ section at http://www.franceyesyoucan.co.uk/.

Over the course of the weekend the France Show broke all records for visitor numbers with 30,000 people coming through the doors. A large number of them seemed to come and speak to ABTOF for advice, when I was there it was a struggle to say more than 2 words to the client without being interrupted by an eager holiday maker.

So it’s onwards and upwards with ABTOF. We’re off to Marseille with them in April for their annual conference, so keep an eye out for a full report on that later in the year.

January 12, 2008

FranceYesYouCan.co.uk goes live

Our brand new website offers a fresh approach to all you can do in France. We’ve collected information from all parts of the country to provide a variety of activities ranging from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

You can search by activity in any one of the 21 regions in any month of the year. You can also find your perfect place to sleep whether you wish to camp or stay in a 5 star hotel.

Working with ABTOF has been a pleasure from day one, amazing people, with an amazing array of holiday services. This accompanied by our design and branding work all make this site truly unique.

France really can offer you more than you can imagine and franceyesyoucan.co.uk offers you all the information you need to plan your next trip.

The experience of creating the site was a real eye-opener for us all. We never realised the sheer number of activities that France has to offer. So we’ll all be off to do a bit of surfing in Aquitaine a bit later in the year…watch this space for the coverage of that little adventure.