June 24, 2009

SMV Agency Event

SMV Agency day is a Google internal event between Starcom Media Vest and Google. This year the event took place in two venues: The Paramount in Tottenham Court Road and at the SMV offices in Goodge Street.

The day began at The Paramount (a lovely venue on the 31st floor with fantastic views of London) with a quick breakfast and an introduction from Google. Attendees then moved across to SMV where there were a number of breakouts and presentations such as Google & DoubleClick and FMCG Digital Workshops.The day was wrapped up with a final panel Q & A session after which attendees headed to the pub for a YouTube Pub Quiz.

Brand Fuel assisted with the overall set up (and derig) of the event, getting all the necessary Google items out of storage and on site, creating all the branding/signage, hiring the relevant furniture and liaising with the various venue contacts.


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