March 31, 2009

Make your Mark

Make Your Mark is a government funded organisation, which works to give people in the UK the confidence, skills and ambition to be enterprising - to have ideas and make them happen. They ran a national competition called Ideas MashUp where students aged 16+ had to mash together two or more existing business ideas to come up with a new one. The competition had over 70 sixth forms/colleges involved and over 2500 students took part. The National Final was held on Tuesday 31st March.

Claire from Brand Fuel was asked to be a guest judge at the event. This involved presenting to the finalists and running a workshop where each group had to plan and explain in a creative way their own product launch event. In addition she was also a guest judge on a ‘Dragons Den’ panel where the students pitched their ideas to win £2000 to help take their idea forwards. A great way to see the entrepreneurs of the future!

To see photos from the event and learn more click here:


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