October 2, 2008

Enterprise Innovation Seminar

This was set in the Paul Hamlyn room at the beautiful Royal Opera House in Covent Garden. This is basically a very large greenhouse which, whilst visually very appealing, provided a number of challenges with regards to the technical aspects of presenting a show i.e. ensuring that sufficient people could see the presentation and delivering quality of sound in an echo chamber!! All this within a very tight timeframe; basically between the regular business of the Opera House’s own production. Set up commenced at 11pm, working into the early hours to complete, then back on set for an 8am show start through to close after lunch at 1:30pm, then being clear of the venue by 3pm the same afternoon so that the Opera House can be prepared for their own show in time!

Brand Fuel produced and sent out the invitations prior to the event and such was the response that we had a full house to hear about the role of the Enterprise team and how they could tailor the Google suite of Applications to individual businesses. This was then supported and demonstrated by three different customers: British Airways, Standard Chartered Banking and the Telegraph Group. Prior to the presentations delegates were welcomed with coffee and croissants and the opportunity for a short relaxing chair massage. Post presentations a buffet lunch was served whilst delegates had the chance to workshop the products for themselves and talk one-to-one with Googlers to find out how the products could work for them. Leaving one last chance for a chair massage before departing.


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